Wednesday, February 17, 2010

More about Facebook

I was reading Vinci’s blog post about the article Social Networking Sites and Social Theory and I have to agree with her when she said that she had to “surrender” to Facebook.  Who is not on Facebook today? It’s almost impossible to be out of the network, even if you are only passively observing. 
I had to create a Facebook account when I came to NY since all my classmates used the site to interact, to send invitations to events, etc. Additionally, it was a great way to keep in touch with my friends and family in Brazil, who have migrated from Orkut, the most popular social network site in Brazil, to Facebook.

I am certain that it is important to remember that everything you post is out there for everyone to see so one should take care and create limits to what is really private and what is ok to share. I have to agree, though, that some people overcome those limits and make their lives an “open book”, divulging extremely personal and sometimes embarrassing information. 

It is clear that today, people search for you online to get references. I constantly do it, in order to prepare for interviews or to search more about a professor or coworker.

Therefore, I believe that as long as you have common sense, it won’t be prejudicial to have an account on Facebook or any other social networking site.


  1. I hope my mother doesn't "surrender to Facebook" soon, but I'm beginning to feel guilty about banning her from the site, perhaps it is necessary after all so that she may keep in touch with friends, although she is excellent at staying in touch with everyone (she's the only one I know who doesnt need a reminder to remember birthdays). Soon maybe. Sigh.

  2. My mom already did and I think you should let your mom join Facebook too! Maybe she can reconnect with old friends and when she is not in the U.S she can go online to see you, know what you are doing over here...: )

  3. Not only my mom did, she forced me to play HappyFarm so that she could steal my produce... (and now she's sending aquarium something requests to me everyday)
